Every day, thousands of organs donated for transplantation will be transported on commercial flights.
During these flights, changing the name of departure and destination, to the name of the donor and its recipient, is a way to value the importance of giving.
During these flights, changing the name of departure and destination, to the name of the donor and its recipient, is a way to value the importance of giving.
Diariamente, milhares de orgãos doados para transplante serão transportados em voos comerciais.
Durante esses voos, mudar o nome de partida e destino, para o nome do doador e seu receptor, é uma maneira de valorizar a importancia de doar.

1. Ao fazer o check-in, os passageiros irão receber um bilhete de embarque com o nome do voo trocado. Nesse bilhete eles serão informados sobre a ação.
1. Upon check-in, passengers will receive a boarding pass with the name of the flight changed. In this ticket they will be informed about the action.
2. Durante o voo, um vídeo com depoimentos dos pacientes, familiares do doador e tripulação daquele voo, falará sobre a importância desse projeto e da doação de órgãos para salvar vidas.
2. During the flight, a video with testimonials from patients, donor relatives and crew on that flight will discuss the importance of this project and the donation of organs to save lives.
1. Upon check-in, passengers will receive a boarding pass with the name of the flight changed. In this ticket they will be informed about the action.
2. Durante o voo, um vídeo com depoimentos dos pacientes, familiares do doador e tripulação daquele voo, falará sobre a importância desse projeto e da doação de órgãos para salvar vidas.
2. During the flight, a video with testimonials from patients, donor relatives and crew on that flight will discuss the importance of this project and the donation of organs to save lives.
Creative Director: Paulo Sanna
Copywriter: Jaime Agostini
Art Director: Thiago Pinto
Copywriter: Jaime Agostini
Art Director: Thiago Pinto